Created by charleszsebikct on May, 18 2021 with 1 Members
Website: . Address: Fairfield, CT Charles Zsebik is an accounting professional working in Greenwich, CT and writes about compliance matters on several blogs and online publications. Mr. Zsebik also contributes stories about one of his major passions: dog training and the histories of various breeds. Charles Zsebik is frequently consulted for non-profit finance matters, fund raising campaign management, and program management for grant-dependent organizations. Please see the Chuck Zsebik website for more details.
Created by mikekahoe07 on May, 17 2021 with 1 Members
Website: Address: Bath, Ohio Mike Kahoe of Akron, Ohio is a board member at Revere Local Schools. He was a Field Organizer for Ohio Trump Victory, and is very involved in both his local community and the Trump administration campaign as a whole. Mike Kahoe has already accomplished impressive goals as a recently graduated high-schooler. He became the youngest elected official in the state of Ohio when he was elected to the Board of Education for the Revere school district in 2019, while still a high-school senior. Kahoe graduated from Revere in June 2020, but during his time there he served as the senior class Vice President, Student Council Vice President, and Kids for Kids President. Kahoe plans to attend Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio and will graduate in 2024. #Consulting #Mike Kahoe
Created by candeachicago on May, 17 2021 with 1 Members
Website: Address: Chicago, IL Candea Development is a luxury residential developer in the Chicago area and currently scheduling showings. and is focused on sustainable real estate development. Candea Development believes that multifamily real estate must always consider first the needs of the existing community and form a partnership accordingly. Armand Candea is the managing partner of Candea Development and takes pride in bringing neighbors and builders together for common goals.